5 Ways to Reduce Screen Time

It is made well known to parents on the negative impact of screen time for their little ones’ mental, emotional and physical development. In this day and age of technology, it is increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to live screen-free.

While there are guidelines on the recommended screen time, what are some ideas for activities outside of screen time? We’ve got the list for you!


    Moving doesn’t always mean exercising or extensive physical activities. It can happen within the confines of your own home. In fact, you can motivate the kids to help out around the house! If it sounds far fetched, think again! It’s all in how you position it, anything can be fun. If your child is too young for chores, then how about a dance party! Music and movement is a very engaging activity for young children and is great way to develop their language and communication skills.


    Whip out those arts and crafts! Whether it is finger-painting or playdough making, sensory play and activities helps young kids with fine motor skills, gross motor skills and cognitive growth. Arts and crafts can be fun for all ages too. You can make jewelry, or slime, or even do home-based science experiments which are not only cool but also very educational. Build a fort together or a make-shift obstacle course which will also get kids moving!


    Break a sweat! It does not matter what the activity is, you can play hide and seek, catching, go to the playground. You are guaranteed fresh air and a dose of endorphins while burning off energy. Make it more fun by getting more friends involved for a game of football, or any team sport! Sign up for a Trial Session at fitness classes or sports enrichment programs for kids, and you may just discover your child’s passion for a new sport.

  4. get thinking

    Challenge your mind, instead of mindless scrolling. For ideas on solo activities, play Sudoku or complete a word search, work on a puzzle or Lego model or read a book. Spend time in your nearby library exploring new genres and topics that you never got around to reading up on! If you are looking for a more hands-on thinking experience, grab some friends and family and head to a nearby Escape Room.


    Spend time with friends and family playing a board game or a fun game of Charades. You could even cook dinner together or bake cookies together and create new experiences. Not a fan of cooking? Head out for a family meal with a no-phones-at-the-table rule, and catch up with everyone’s life. While we try to minimize screen time for our kids, we too are guilty of the scrolling and should aim to model the behavior we wish to see in our children.

Thinking of a good activity to replace your child’s screen time?

Try out our kids football session for only $10! Bring a friend for more discounts.
